Switzerland or bust

As I am sitting down to write my first blog post, it seems I have Switzerland on the brain; a quite frequent occurrence of late.  My junior year of college is fast approaching, and with that comes both  the hope and uneasiness of a semester overseas.  There is not one single reason to hesitate about this opportunity that has been dropped into my lap.  That this is even a possibility is nothing short of a blessing, so I find myself wondering why it is progressively difficult to start the application.  Perhaps it is the thought of leaving SMU, or even the US, but most significantly, it is leaving the comfort of my routine.  As my (possible) departure draws nearer, I am certain that the anxiety will only build, however I am confident that this will be one of the most important adventures I embark on, and I would be silly not to follow through.  So, to Switzerland I go! (Not for a little while though.)  More to come as I continue my research on this captivating country.tessin
