Study Abroad Within Studying Abroad

One of the many reasons why I chose to study abroad at Franklin College in Lugano is because they offer an Academic Travel class.  Basically, once a week, the class of your choice meets, and then in the middle of the semester, you travel will the class for ten days to study in the region that you have been learning about all semester.  It is a mini-study abroad within the main study abroad.  It is such a great concept because I will be able to not only study in Switzerland, but also in another country entirely.  The class I am looking into taking is set to travel to Brussels, Paris, Geneva and Strasbourg.  We will study the basics of international relations, and have the opportunity to see The World Trade Center, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Science and Culture Organization, the main institutions of the European Union, and the Council of Europe.  The objective is to help us learn about what problems these organizations deal with, and how successful they have been in resolving problems.  I am thrilled about this opportunity to travel to an extra four countries while I am overseas, and Franklin College does an excellent job in encouraging students to see the world.   


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