No parlo Italiano

If I’ve learned anything in my twenty years of meticulous planning, it’s that nothing ever goes according to plan.  I had dreamed up a semi-specific plan for my course load while I am in Switzerland, and, surprise surprise, it’s already gone to the dogs.  The original plan was for me to take Italian I during the summer – in June – and then take the second semester of it in Lugano.  With this plan, I would be done with my language requirement by the time I returned from my semester abroad, which would take a huge burden off of my course load.  However, as most things go, this is no longer the case.  The SMU June term schedule came out a few weeks ago, and Italian was listed as an available course, as it was supposed to be.  When it became open to enroll, I made sure I logged on right away in order to get one of the supposed 15 spots…but it came to my attention very quickly that this was no longer an option.  Each time I entered the class number, it told me that this course did not exist.  So, I went in to meet with my counselor to talk to her about this issue, and she delivered the news that I knew was true but did not want to hear: the course was not, in fact, available in June.  This threw a monkey wrench in the plan that I had been depending on to stay on track with my course load.  Luckily enough, though, my brain quickly rerouted and I have orchestrated another plan that is on par with the previous one.  I decided it would be in my best interest to stick to doing summer school in June anyway, even though SF is calling yelling my name.  I am going to take one course for my major and one for my minor, which will hopefully make it so that I am on schedule, if not ahead, with my courses.  This will still allow for me to be home for almost two months this summer, and I will escape Dallas before it gets unbearably hot.  It sort of stinks, but it is necessary so I’ll just have to suck it up and deal.  Switzerland with not a hint of knowledge of the local language should be interesting to say the least.  Hopefully they’re nice enough to accept my English, at least at the beginning.  Ciao! 


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