UGH, finals.

Finals are approaching quicker than anything and the summation of my feelings toward this fact can be said in one word: UGH. There is a very real anxiety that comes with the realization that I have to get an actual A on my final to do well in a class (or perhaps multiple A’s for multiple finals.) Pressure’s on, I guess. That said, this is also the time of year where the most fun parties happen because everyone wants to get one more night out before we all leave for the summer – gasp. I have found myself in a constant limbo of whether or not I should blow off my study guides and go have a good time. Surprisingly, though, I have yet to go out because my guilty conscience has won every night this week, which is probably a good thing, if I’m being honest with myself. The desire to go out is even more pressing this semester, however, because I will not be here next fall. Lately, I keep wondering about what I will be missing out on next semester while I am in Switzerland. I have a bit of FOMO (fear of missing out) because my friends will simply go on having a blast without me, but I know that next semester will forever change my life (and hopefully for the better – fingers crossed.) The FOMO, though, is making me question my studying habits and has me wanting to trade the flash cards for a night out. Finals start Wednesday, and with that, I must confess: you win, finals. I suppose I had better push away the craving to go out and open up these books, because if I fail out of college, going out won’t even be an option….just kidding, kind of.
